Feels Like Spring!

I wasn’t convinced that I had arrived home to warmer weather yesterday morning. I’d slept most of Sunday away and was too tired and lazy to re-park the car in the garage after hauling my bags and groceries in. So, I headed out to the parking lot for my first day back to school and was greeted by a frosty layer of ice on my windows. Ugh.

Today, though, the sun decided to shine and warm up Baxter. I couldn’t resist heading on my first outside jog of the year. There’s something wonderful about Spring that makes me excited to get outside and move… I’m sure, though, my muscles will remind me to be sorry tomorrow!

I was a bit weary of what shape my kids would be in after a week’s worth of break; I was a bit weary of my own shape for that matter! But Monday came and went, and I found myself with 120 or so reasons for why I love my job. (And today I was reminded of why I HATE picture day… but that’s another story!) 🙂

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One Response to Feels Like Spring!

  1. Ape says:

    Of course it snowed here today. RATS! By the end of the day- it looked gorgeous outside, so I took my kids out, only to discover that it was FREEZING with the wind chill….. ughh.

    I’m excited to see you this weekend! Can’t wait to try your egg-stuff??.. Lo’s baking muffinsl, I’ll bring the fruit, and mom can bring…..herself!

    Enjoy the end of the week.


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