Warm Heart


Sara surprised me this morning with a zebra mocha… a rare treat, since I’m always too lazy to grab coffee before school and too nervous to drink that much caffeine after 3:00! Of course, such a thoughtful gesture also gave me reason to smile early and some help staying warm as I watched the snowflakes fall.

Isn’t April supposed to be Spring?

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5 Responses to Warm Heart

  1. ape says:

    That was nice of miss sara~ zebra mocha– mmmm, sounds delicious!

    Happy Thursday, Ersy!

    love you.

  2. Melissa says:

    The mocha sounds awesome! I’ll have to grab one this weekend. I’m attending the Middle School Essentials conference in Minneapolis. I’ll be missing my boys terribly, but a couple nights in the Hilton with some gal pals could be good, too. 🙂

    Ugh. I see the MCA-II tests on your calendar. Aren’t they just a joy!?! 🙁

    It’s been a long time since we’ve talked! Maybe we should plan a lunch date in St. Cloud again one of these days. I actually have to run up some Saturday to pick up Evan’s 1-year pictures from JC Penney’s. What do you think? Do you have a free Saturday anytime soon?

  3. Minnesota Mom says:

    Lucky you to have someone who brings you “special” coffee! And mocha….yummy! We had snow/rain this morning as I drove to work. I know it’s Spring somewhere….as I like to think it through in the head – “this, too, shall pass.”

    Have a great day, Ersy!

    Love and miss you lots and lots,


  4. Amanda says:

    yeah, what a nice treat. Hope all is going well with you. Miss you and let’s get together next week!

  5. Lo says:

    Hey! What’s a zebra mocha? Sounds yummy. Love you lots!!!!!!

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