
Spring seems to have arrived… and so the roller blades came out once more.

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7 Responses to Confidence

  1. Barb says:

    You’re just too darn cute! Hang in there with those roller blades!

    Big hugs.


  2. AnnMarie Rudstrom says:

    Cute photo =) Can you believe that not so long ago you guys were getting snow dumped on you? Speaking of snow. We have big, fluffy, beautiful snow falling right now.

  3. ape says:

    I LOVE it!

    … and that is why we can go together!

    See you tomorrow.


  4. Lo says:

    Can I come too?

  5. amy says:

    You are hot stuff! Too cute! We’ll have to get together and hit the trails sometime.

  6. Stacie says:

    I love it, love it, LOVE it! Your face is priceless and just too darn cute!

    I wish I had been there to see the dust blown off those blades.


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