Here Comes the Bride

The countdown is on. April and Jesse’s wedding is just over a month away, but the celebration starts NOW! We had April’s shower Saturday morning, and the place was full despite the icy roads. Of course, we’d expect nothing less for such a sweet girl!

Here’s a picture of the bride-to-be… she’s always been the one who everyone knows to be good with kids. (I imagine that’s why it didn’t phase her to have 4 little ones tearing away at her gifts during the shower!)

Of course, Mom and Grandma Poderzay came to celebrate!

And, Dad stopped in on a break from work to warm up with a little coffee – he wasn’t allowed past the kitchen, though..

It was a very nice day for a very deserving gal!

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2 Responses to Here Comes the Bride

  1. tiff says:

    What a beautiful family you have Erin! Weddings are so much fun.

  2. Andrea says:

    Looks like you had a fun day!!! I am excited to hear more about April’s wedding as the date approaches!

    Good to see you when you were passing through!

    Love, Andrea

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