An Exceptional Week

How wonderful it was to travel back to Alaska with Bill. It was strange in a way I didn’t expect; it all felt so familiar – so much like home. I suppose you can’t give three years of your life to a place and not feel somehow connected. And so, within the first hour of being there, I realized that a piece of me stayed in Alaska when we left – the way part of my heart was always in Minnesota when we lived up North.

Bill and Barb spoiled us all week long. It was great having time together, though we missed Katie.

The grand finale to my trip was getting a chance to meet up with the Holts. Even after all the driving, flying, and mushing (!) they’ve done the past couple of weeks, they still made the drive in to Anchorage. We had a magnificient dinner at the Brewhouse Friday evening and then watched the boys swim and visited into the night. Saturday way checked out a new chocolate place in Anchorage. They serve chocolate the old fashioned way – you eat it with a spoon or drink it. Very tasty. After a little lunch and some more bumming around we headed back to the hotel, and the boys got a quick swim in before they took off. I was happy to get some time with friends I’ve missed so very much.

Bill and I went for dinner at the Bears Tooth before I got checked in for my flight.  All of our great dinners made me wish we had more unique restaurants around here – of course, we probably don’t need any more encouragement for eating out and not cooking for ourselves!

I’m a bachelorette for a couple of weeks while Bill finishes his last trip for collecting footage. I’ve got big plans of getting organized for the 4th quarter – the time goes by so quickly!

Hope you all had a wonderful Easter with friends and family.

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4 Responses to An Exceptional Week

  1. Ape says:

    Glad you had such a great Easter vacation…. but,….. I miss you. TONS.

    Are you coming home this weekend?? Or- Jesse might be going back to Bemidji, so maybe i should come over?? Call me.


  2. tiff says:

    I miss you already…poor me 🙁

    Did you wash your pants and shoes yet? giggle 🙂

    BTW…we didn’t get enough time together…but I loved the time we did get!


    tiff 🙂

  3. Barb says:

    Erin, having you and Bill home for Spring Break was a major high point for us! The week went way too fast. Good luck with your last quarter of the school year.

    Talk to you soon!


  4. Stacie says:

    I am envious of your Alaska trip and your visit with the Holts! I am so happy you all had a chance to reconnect! Glad you made it up North… and I think I know what you mean about leaving a little piece of yourself there.

    Missing you TONS!


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