Time to Make the Doughnuts

Yesterday we had a snow day – an unexpected gift from the work world. And instead of going with my first instinct (which was to be crabby all day because spring has once again been shoved out of my reach), I decided to try out a new recipe I’d found HERE a few days earlier.

I’m a big fan of girl scout cookies, and as you know, they only come out once a year. And my first year back in “the outside world” not one single girl scout sold me a box of cookies! I was devistated to learn that they’d already been delivered, and in many cases eaten, weeks ago. Lucky for me, this replacement carmel delights recipe did the trick this time around.

I never was a girlscout...

So today April called me to play some polka music and ask if I missed walking over to Gram’s on Saturday mornings where the greatest accordian hits would most certainly be blaring. The funny thing was, I had already had my Saturday Morning memory when I’d decided to bake up some doughnuts. It seems that growing up Gram was always working around the kitchen on Saturdays, and she’d be ready to share any number of fresh baked treats when we’d stroll over. It’s fun to have those memories, and to think about how the things we grow to love doing have been influenced so much by the people who loved us!

So – while this isn’t one of L&Ls doughnut recipes, it was pretty tasty. I chose the recipe because you bake them, and I happen to hate when the whole house and everyone in it smells like grease after frying stuff.

And the greatest part of baking yummy treats is having someone wonderful toΒ  share them with!

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8 Responses to Time to Make the Doughnuts

  1. tiff says:

    Yum! I am on the next plane…I love donuts! Baked ones are good for your heart…giggle…ha :0)

    Wow another snow day…I am with you…we just have to embrace this silly winter weather and move on…or it is just too depressing. We are to get more winter next week…maybe I will convince K & R to bake some donuts! I just wish you and Bill could be here to share them with us!

  2. tiff says:

    oh yeah…forgot to say…doesn’t your husband have any other shirts he can wear?

    giggle…he does know that it is backwards…giggle

    {oh we are so lucky he is wearing our OOPS! shirt}

  3. Melissa says:

    Those treats look absolutely fabulous! Caramel delights are my favorite Girl Scout cookie. Josh’s is the classic Thin Mint, but I like the chewiness of the caramel treat. I’ll have to try making some.

    Thanks for the positive spin on winter in April–and on being a teacher in the spring. πŸ™‚

    Let’s get together! Email me and let me know what life looks like for you over the next few weeks.



  4. Stacie says:

    Your tasty treats look like they came straight out of Betty Crocker! Amazing work there, Miss Erin!!! I look forward to a day you can whip up some of those tasty little treats for me πŸ™‚

    By the way, what kind-a Girl Scout cookies are you looking for?? I had to be the good mama and order a trillion of them from Abbie… they are coming out our ears (and we are all tired of them!).

    Miss you!


  5. Lo says:

    The caramel delight is not one of my favorites (as you already know), however your donuts look awesome. I too think of gram and the accordion music on Saturdays. Anyway, I hope you have a great week, and I hope that I get to try some your yummy treats soon! Love you!

  6. Ape says:

    Nice posts… brings back even more wonderful memories. — Looks delicious, and though i know you enjoy sharing them with bill, I wish you were here to share them with me.

    love you bunches, Suzi.


  7. Andrea says:

    Those donuts look fantastic! Yummy.

    I like your comments on having those memories. Every Christmas I bake a handful (or more) of my Grandma’s best and it brings me back to the farm on the holidays. I am trying to perfect these recipes to the way grandma made them, so that years from now, my brothers and I will still have at least the taste of our childhood – long after Grandpa and Grandpa and the farm are gone. Hugs!

  8. Andrea says:

    PS —

    I saw Bill’s work at the BSSD booth at the teacher’s fair! Tell him that it was fantastic…and everybody at the booth just RAVED about you both πŸ™‚

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