Once again I am up way to late.  My mind was racing when I went to bed.  I gave it an honest effort but sleep never came.  So I got up and came out here to the couch.  I started out trying to make some flashy colons for the clock at the top of my blog, which I accomplished but didn’t like how it looked.  I ended up scrapping that idea.  Then I got this notion of making a form so my viewers could submit comments.  Well…. After over an hour and half of trying to figure it out I have failed.  It turns out I need to get into contact with Copper Valley Internet (our ISP) to find out where the cgi-bin is located on the server, and if I can put a perl script in there.  Odds are they won’t.  So I’ll be out of luck.  You would think by now they could have made it a little easier to accomplish that task.  Ohh well..  I have an SFA meeting in the morning, which I am not allowed to skip.  The SFA coordinator (Erin) would not be a happy camper if I skipped her meeting.  So I had better head to bed so I can get my beauty sleep.

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