Fark Goodness

I just remembered a couple of cool articles I read last night.  I found them of course on Fark.com.  The first was about a kid over in India I believe.  He is only 8 years old and is like this computer genius.  He started using a computer when he was two.  If I remember correctly from the article he sent out an email when he was 2 or 3.  Crazy.  He is MOUS certified (Microsoft Officer User Specialist) – Core & Expert Level.  He has done web design, met the president, and Bill Gates.  I read in there that he is doing some video conferencing.  I think it would be cool for our kids to have a videoconference with him and interview him for the KKTS News Broadcast.  His website is www.microsoftkid.com to read the article about him follow this link.The other story I thought was interesting last night was about a couple of kids in PA that “borrowed” on of their dads’ planes.  Their mission:  To bomb their school with eggs.  There were two of them 15 and 16.  Neither of them had their pilots license.  Sounds like their mission was successful.  They did however scare everyone in town by flying so low.  On top of that it was really foggy out.  The police weren’t able to ID the planes tail number.  They waited for the plane to land at the local airport.  That didn’t work out so well when the kids landed at a private strip owned by the father.  The boys ended up turning themselves in when they heard they were being looked for.  I don’t think they realized how much of a stir they caused.  Follow this link to read the full article.

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