School and Alias

Another beautiful day out today.  The sunset was comparable to the sunrise of yesterday.  The kids are getting more unruly everyday it seems.  The morning started out alright, but we had had a couple students show up after first hour that usually don’t attend.  So not only do they not know the routine, but they are also the ones that are discipline problems.  So that changes the dynamic of the classroom tremendously.  I think I’ll try to shoot a little video tomorrow and get it posted on here.  I’ll see if I can get it compressed enough to fit on the server. Erin and I stayed at school for lunch, so we could have three of our kids serve detention.  After lunch went pretty well.  I worked with a couple of the high school students to prepare them for the broadcast tomorrow.  We wrote up the segways, and they are now tasked with rehearsing them for the live show.Lesa Meath is here visiting again.  She is the Alaska teacher mentor from Fairbanks that comes up every month or so, to help out first and second year teachers with whatever she can to hopefully retain more teachers in the state.  She was kind enough to take Erin and my class for the last hour of the day.  We were able to spend some much needed time assessing what we need to accomplish for the rest of the year.  So the last part of the day was great. After school Lesa and I sat down to discuss things that I wanted to work on for the rest of the year as well as things she could do to help to help me out with my goals.  After we finished our meeting, Erin and I headed home.  After some dinner, C.O. and AnnMaire came over to watch Alias.  I got an IM from Katie asking if I was going to watch it, and a call from Lyndi for the same reason.  So the Alias fever is breaking out.  Gotta go watch.  🙂