The joys of being the “Acting Principal”

I can’t believe it’s been over a week since my last posting.  The weather is crazy.  There is bunch of blowing snow outside.  There are times when you can’t even see 10 feet. says that we have 40 to 60 mph winds and a winter storm advisory.  So that’s fun.  No mail today. ASTE is only a week away.  Ginger and I are scrambling to get our class put together.  I am making a website with all of the information, so the people taking our class can go to it as a reference when they are back at their own schools.  I am still in the process of putting it together and upload it as  I go.  The final step will to be sure I have correct spelling and punctuation.  If you want to see what I have, and check my slow progress, you can go to this link.  Remember I haven’t even begun to look at my conventions, this is the rough draft.  It isn’t linked up to anything else, so only people with the exact address can go to it.  I am hoping to be done with it in the next week.  Then the real criticisms can be sent my way.The acting principal gig ended up being longer than originally planned.  Erin and Jim (our principal) took off for Unalakleet (our district office) on Thursday of last week.  The basketball games on Friday went pretty well.  The Brevig Jr. High played themselves in a scrimmage.  Then our high school girls team lost to Nome J.V. in over time.  The reffing was questionable.  I ended up having to clean up after dinner for them.  The cook took off.  We luckily in a way had Saturday school.  Having this required our cooking staff to come in and cook breakfast and lunch for the kids, which in turn fed the visiting team.  All was going great until we had some pretty bad weather the rest of that day, and not only could Nome not leave, but Jim and Erin could not get back home.  So my duties continued.  The cook informed me he wasn’t going to cook them dinner Saturday evening, or breakfast Sunday Morning.  So added to my duties of teacher, athletic director, and principal was being the cook too.  So I ended up having to get up at 8:00 A.M. to make breakfast for the Nome team before they left.  Erin and Jim ended up making it back the following Monday. C.O., Jeff, and I went out crabbing on Sunday.  We pulled our two pots, the first had one small crab and a bunch of star fish.  The second had 3 small crabs, and a bunch of sea urchins.  We didn’t have a chainsaw since we broke the one we were using on the previous trip, that made the process a lot more work.  We are hoping to have it fixed for our next trip.

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