BSSDPN (BSSD Sports Programing Network)

This week’s sports coverage is brought to you from Stebbins and Unalakleet. We have some great high school sports for you this weekend. Unalakleet is hosting the regional Wrestling tournament available to you via video conference and windows media player web cast. You will find the links to each wrestling session web cast at the BSSD website. If anyone is able to watch the live coverage we would love to hear your feedback. Our students work extremely hard and really appreciate any comments they get. You can email them at feedback(at) The other exciting live broadcast is a mixed six-volleyball tournament being held in Stebbins. There are teams from all over the Bering Strait School District, as well as Galena who is from another district. These matches will be viewable only by VTC (video teleconference). Once again students will be doing all of the work that is involved in these broadcasts, and if you are able to watch this coverage the same email address will work for sending them a note.

Today I got up and got over to work around 7:45 A.M. As soon as a I walked in the door the scrambling began. I needed to get John and Randy’s equipment together that they would need for the wrestling broadcast. Gave them a quick run through on how to run the equipment. They knew what they were doing. I just wanted to go over it with them, so they could have a refresher before they started on their own. We took off from Unalakleet around 10:00 A.M. It was only a 20-minute flight over the frozen ocean to Stebbins. The Stebbins staff greeted us warmly. We got our stuff up to the balcony over the gym, and then grabbed some lunch. After we had some food in our stomach’s Hunter, and Austen (the two students that came with to run the broadcast), and I pulled out the equipment and started setting up. We brought with us two GL2 mini dv cameras, and a couple 20-meter firewire cables. We put one camera on each end of the gym up on the balcony, and the cords met up in the middle at the computer running the show. We ended up having John send over a special firewire cord from Unalakleet on the last plane flying this evening to set up a third camera. So I think we are going to be able to put on a pretty good show for everyone this weekend.
Austen and Hunter are really good guys. They work hard, and both have great scenes of humor. They are fun to work with. There will be some students from Stebbins that will be helping out with the broadcast as well. We are hoping that they will get excited about doing this and become more involved in the BSSD news broadcasts. Our goal is to get every site going with a news crew.
I just heard that Savoonga, which is one of our two schools on St. Lawrence Island just, got three whales a couple days ago. I was trying to convince one of their teachers into getting some students out there with a video camera and shooting interviews and getting some footage of the experience. That is something that not many other people in the world will ever get the chance to see. It would be a great addition to the student news broadcasts.
It is now 12:30 A.M. and I need to get my sleep for tomorrow. It is going to be a long day. I’ll see if I can get some blog time in during the busy day, and hopefully get some pictures up as well.

All for now…..