Driving to Anchorage

We have about 100 miles left on our drive to Anchorage. Katie is getting her smart teeth taken out, and she has to also do all of her Christmas shopping. It is a really nice day out. Not a cloud in the sky. I’ll post some pictures on the gallery if you want to take a look at them.
We are listening to the audio book “Deception Point” by Dan Brown. It says there is only about 12 minutes left, but we still have a lot of the story left to tell. I hope it doesn’t stop on us part way through.
My toes have been cold for the last 150 miles, but I don’t want to have the heat turned up because I don’t like riding in a really warm car. It can kind of get me carsick. So I try to wiggle them and get the blood flowing to warm them up.
We saw a few moose on the drive, but that was a long way back. It was still pretty dark out, and closer to Valdez. We just saw a fox a little bit ago, so it has been a pretty interesting drive.
We are going by rabbit valley right now. It’s a place alongside the rode that is a little valley going up into the mountains. The valley has really steep sides, and very little room along the base. I hear they call it rabbit valley is because people used to hunt rabbits there. They would walk up the valley, and the rabbits would try to run away, with the sides so steep, they rabbits had a hard time climbing them quickly, and with very little cover it was easy to shoot them. It made for a pretty sure way to get some dinner.
Well it is official the audio book ran out in the middle of the story. How lame is that? I’ll have to check to see if I did something wrong when I was joining the tracks together.
I have been stumbling a lot lately on the Internet. There is a plug-in for Firefox called “Stumble”. It puts a button on your browser window that when you click it, it takes you to a random website. So its pretty interesting what you find. One I found last night that I thought was pretty interesting was a flash animation of someone drawing. Here is the link if you are interested. Its pretty amazing to see how artistic some people are.

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