Vaccation Almost Over :(

Well, we only have two full days left down here in sunny Mazatlan. Erin and I have been having a blast. We decided to hop the stone island cruise yesterday. They took us out in a tripple decker catamaran. Erin and I sat on the top deck to catch some rays on the boat ride over. We had an awesome view looking out the front until a couple of girls came an stood right in front of us blocking out the horizon. The boat took us over by the worlds highest natural light house. It is up on a clif face over looking the ocean. By a couple of caves. One of which is actually a tunnel through to the other side. We went by bird shit island. It looks like it has been white washed…. Completly whight. They then took us over to some rocks protruding just above the water by a few feet. On it were some really lazy sea lions. They didn’t move much even with our huge boat right next to them. After our little tour around the area went over to the much sought after stone island. Erin has been building up this place for the last few years. Durring our stay at stone island I got a coconut loped open for a little drink. Check out the gallery for some pictrues of the afternoon.

I’ll get back to the story in a sec. We are at a coffee shop down the street from our hotel that has free WIFI. This is where we came the last time we posted. I just had my computer taken over by a seven year old girl selling roses, while she played flash games and ate Erin’s chocolate cake. I have some pictures of her and her friend that I will post later this week. They were pretty cute.

So back at stone island we had a steller bannana boat ride, that took us over to bannana boat turnaround (see picture in gallery) and back. It was kind of lame. We did get to lay out on the beach where I burnt my head to a crisp, and Erin bought a shirt thing from some lady.

Today we were back to the normal ritual of sitting by the pool drinking cold drinks and eating chips and salsa. I did buy a hat today that I may never wear outside of Mazatlan, but it kept my poor head from burning any more. I also bought a shirt, that I may never wear outside of Mazatlan either, but it may be decent for climbing.

Tonight we went out to a little classier resturaunt for dinner. Erin stuck the good old chicken fajitas, whereas I had the special, a sea food platter with lobster, clams, fish, crab, and shrimp. The coolest part of dinner was the cesar salad prior to the main course which was prepared right at our table. They used real anchovies and the whole nine yards. It was very tasty.

Im looking forward to relaxing by the pool with erin for the next couple of days, and possibly even doing a little parasailing. There is a video of someone taking off right in front of us from this after noon if you want to see what it will be like for me. You can find it at the gallery.
Im enjoying Mazatlan….