Six AM Shmix AM

Well, when the alarm went off at six this morning, my legs, back, calves, and shoulders said “ehh 7:30 sounds like a better time to get up”.  So off with the alarm and back into slumber-land. So needless to say running didn’t happen for me today, but Im fine with that.

Work went well today.  We are getting things ready for the job fair in Anchorage which I will be leaving or tomorrow.  We have been printing off posters to put up promoting BSSD.  I got the big poster printer to work on OS X machines today.  That was something we have been fighting with for a few years now.  So that was nice.  I had to do a firmware update on the printer which worried me a little.  I didn’t want to turn the big poster printer into a paper weight.  It all worked out though.

Aside from that I destroyed Stebbins website.  I was working with Damon one of the teachers from Stebbins.  He has a wordpress install which is the same thing I use for this blog.  He was using it as the schools main site linking over to a blog where students post to regularly.  Well, we have this problem with someone clicks on a link in the blog it tries to send them to  which would normally be fine, but our addresses don’t have the www in it.  So it turns up with a page now found error.  So we were working on getting that to work, and I accidently in the wordpress admin area changed the address wordpress looks for to find itself.  So when I updated the site with the new address, it couldn’t find itself.  Which in turn made it impossible to put back.  Whenever I tried to make the change it would to make the change in the wrong spot, and the file it was trying t change was in a totally different area on the server.

So as you can imagine Damon wasn’t too happy.  He had to start over by removing the install, and reinstalling.  Luckily he hadn’t really added anything to the install yet, so he should be able to have it back up in an hour or so.  I offered to do it for him, but he wanted to work on it himself.

So after that catastrophe I worked on some orders for the district for next year.  The Ed Support office is buying some iPods so their trainers can use them to show off podcasts on how to tech different activities.  The idea is… They are creating video podcasts of SFA lessons, and QSM concepts.  These will be a digital resource for the teachers in the district.  The iPods come into play by allowing the support staff to have those video podcsasts right in their pocket.  When out at site they will be able to connect the unit to a TV, in any teachers classroom, and show them examples on how things can be taught.  I hope it all works out, and that they don’t turn into just a music box for the temporary owners.

Well, I had better hit the sack.  More to come from Anchorage and then Valdez this week.

One Comment

Erin  on April 13th, 2006

Time for a new post. 🙂

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