Stebbins Mission

After an evening at home, I am off on the road again.  This time to Stebbins which is one of our larger schools in the district.  Hopped on Doug Air (the BSSD plane) at 9:00 this morning.  A quick 40 minute flight over the crumbling ocean ice brought us to the little gravel strip just outside the village of Stebbins.  Randy and I spent the morning getting equipment and web space ready for working with the students after they finished up with their structured morning classes.  I worked with a couple of girls who promptly imported the vide from the last couple years of the Native Dance Festival.  They chopped the clips up in to roughly 5 minute pieces, and then got them ready to be compressed.  Since compression is really a sit and wait step in the process I let that run through the evening.  The girls will work with me tomorrow to get it up on the web.  Some of the clips are kind of big which will make it a slow download for dial up users, but those of you with high speed connections will be able to view them in a matter of minutes.

After we get done here I will be heading to Homer to go halibut fishing with Erin.  I still have to take a couple of days off to stay under contract, and Erin was going to Homer for work, so we decided to meet up down there for a little get away.  We signed up for a day long halibut charter.  We are hoping to be able to fill our freezer with tasty halibut for next year.  We’ll see how lucky we are that day.  I hope Erin gets one.  It is pretty fun to pull in those big fish.