Stan Stephen’s Cruise
Well as many of you know, my sister Katie works for Stan Stephen’s Cruises. They take tourists out on large boats to look at the glaciers, and marine wild life. Basically Katies job is to visit with the tourists on the boat, help point out the sights, and serve a lunch along the way. She was kind enough to use her free passes to take me and the rest of the family out for the day.
Here is a pictrue of Katie passing out a little cheat sheet of the animals we may see on the trip.
Here is a picture of her explaining to me what this coffee mug is.
Now when we got on the boat I was talking to Katie about her job. We were talking about how lunch is served, and she told me that she carries out the bowls of clam chowder, bagles, and cups of juice to all the passengers in their seats. Now having spent some time on boats like this I new that they could get a little rocky at times with the weather. So I asked her if she had ever spilled before. She told me that no she had never spilled, not even onece. I told her I was impressed, that I was surprised she hadn’t.
Well any guesses what happened an hour later???
Thats right, thats minestroni all over the floor. She was passing out the bowls of soup and other stuff, and though she had her tray, but there was one bowl of minestroni left on the back corner. She went to hold the tray down by her side, and off went the bowl of soup. Poor girl. I must have jinxed her.
We saw some beautiful icebergs, as well as sea otters, sea lions, a micky whale, bald eagles, deer, and puffins.
I took the time to take a self portrait of me with the sea lions in the back ground.
It was a lot of fun, and nice to be out on the water. Katie has a pretty cool summer job. I will get her to post a bunch of her pictures on the gallery. She has some pretty amazing photos.
Laura on July 30th, 2006
Hey Bill….looks like you are having a lot of fun back up in AK…Also, I think you are going to start a trend with the shrimp earrings….Awesome pictures!!! Take care…Lo