Here I am…
I know its been a crazy long time since I last blogged. I’m sorry for that. A lot has happened since the 20th of August. I won’t be able to remember all of the great stories that crop up on a daily basis, so I will just cover the basics, and fill you in on the last few days.
A couple weeks ago I flew down to Anchorage to install a QuickTime server at the GCI school access building. We are setting up a Quicktime Streaming solution for our video conferences. This will allow our staff members who aren’t able to make a certain conference to watch it at a later date right from there computer. We also hope to use it for our event broadcasting so community members that aren’t able to go into the school will be able to watch events like the Native Youth Olympics and our student coverage of the Iditarod.
So I flew down on a Friday after work. Rick Holt was up in Unalakleet for the week prior working with the high school students on a leadership program, and was flying back to town on the same flight I was one. So we met up with his wife Tiff and their two boys Keegan and Rohnan for some dinner at the Bears Tooth. Dinner was delicious. The next morning at 9:00 A.M, I met up with Tom Obey the School Access Helpdesk manager.  He let me into the building and helped me get a static ip address for the server. After that was done, I got the interface set up that enables the video conference to be recorded and streamed out.
Erin flew in the next afternoon. I picked her up from the airport, and we headed out to Rick and Tiffs to help them work on their yurt. It was a fun couple of days with great friends, working on their beautiful home. Erin, the boys, and I even got a swim in at the pond/lake by their home. The water was extremely cold, but it was fun to get the boys to jump in. We headed back to Unalakleet on Tuesday.
Erin took off for Savoonga on Monday, which is one of the BSSD schools located on St. Lawrence Island.  She was out there for her SFA job. So I was home alone for most of the week. Its nice to have her back.
While she was gone I started work on the new BSSD website. I am really excited about it. I have been working on it really hard, getting to bed around 3:00 in the morning, and skipping my lunch breaks. I have made a lot of progress, and basically just need to port over the information from the old site.
My goal is to have it completed by Friday of next week. It may be a lofty goal, but Erin is gone next week, and since I’m home alone, I might as well work. I should be able to get it finished up. I will release a sneak peak near the completion to my loyal blog readers. (I hope both of your enjoy).
Not a whole lot else going on. Erin and I are going to watch a movie. Hope you all have a good day.
Erin on September 27th, 2006
Yuck. I’m getting bored reading this same post over and over again. xoxo