
The one thing I have done this weekend more than anything else is use my new Bose Quite Comfort 2 headphones. I am very happy Erin talked me into buying these. With all the noise that is involved in a tournament like this from the loud music that must be played to hype up the players to the cheering and yelling by not only the fans but the players as well, it is imparative to have a way to escape the chaos. When things hit the fan it helps not to be distracted while trying to resolve the issue. There were a couple of times when our conferences completly tanked on us requiring some quick work to minimize the downtime for our audience.
The tournament is going quite well. We are in the last match of the weekend. We just finished the championships with Unalakleet taking the victory. With Golovin losing to them set us up with a manditory “true second place” match where the second and thrid place teams play eachother to decide who should be the other team to travel to the state tournament in Anchorage. Right now Golovin is down 1 games to 0 with the score in teh second game at Galena 10 Golovin 6. Doesn’t look good for Golovin.
After this match I am hoping to get our gear packed up for the evening, and nessle into my sleeping back with either book or some surfing of the world wide web. 🙂

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