Bill Bryson
skype VOIP: hilts50
Mom on January 20th, 2009
Exciting! 180 miles is quite the paddle! I hope you have enough energy left to canoe with Dad and I the end of July!
Take Care!
C.O. on January 26th, 2009
180 miles, how many days, how many portages?
vdzlibrarian on March 30th, 2009
I had to chuckle after reading the post about purchasing the mini. Poor Erin! How does she handle the pressure of constant technology purchase needs!?! May the force be with her.
Nice post on your dad! Hope you had a great day. Thanks for the phone call.
vdzlibrarian on April 2nd, 2009
Another great post Bill. Liked the maps. Hopefully Dad will have some great pictures to add the other perspective of the story. Thanks for your support yesterday. Love you!
Warren on April 5th, 2009
Man, heard about your dad, close call there. Glad to here he is ok. He just doesn’t listen, I told him the other day in the store to be carefull up there. Great blog, I will give you my new blog address when I get it up and running.
vdzlibrarian on April 11th, 2009
Wow! Sounds like a perfect day. A little hiking to a beautiful spot, snowman project, and A&W Root beer. Great blog!
vdzlibrarian on June 9th, 2009
Hey! Great pictures of the Great Ocean Road! It makes me want to be there with you. Katie and I just returned from our class in McCarthy. We’ve been out of cell phone/internet access until now. Keep the blogs coming. We will live vicariously through you both. Love you!
Barb Bryson on October 18th, 2009
Cold! But still looks like fun! Great pictures. Sorry I’ve been so bad keeping my site up. I’ll try to do better.
Love you!
Barb Bryson on January 30th, 2010
Haven’t checked out your family blog site for a while. Glad the broadcast is going pretty well. Don’t you with you could just boot one or two of the knuckle heads who seem to cause 99% of the grief in your class?!?
Keep up with the exciting things you do!
Take care!
jody dunlap on December 16th, 2012
I love your site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!you are so good at this hi to Erin!
your favorite aunt,
Mom on December 5th, 2008
Good post Bill! Love the picture! Take care!