Barb's Blog

Just another Bryson Family Sites Sites site

Start The Count Down!

We’re into packing mode and wrapping up school business. Getting ready for our mini trip to Maui Friday morning. We will fly out of Valdez Friday morning, weather permitting. I have a doctor’s appointment set up for the morning. We fly out at 3:00pm and arrive early evening in Maui. We’ll have Saturday and Sunday [...]

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Productive Saturday

Bill and I got up around 9:00 and took Rudy for a snowshoe walk out by the Valdez Glacier. Lazy snowflakes falling with high overcast initially, but by the time we got back to the truck it was coming down pretty steady. I love the snow. Much better than all the rain in November! We [...]

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Happy New Year!

Wow! Where did the time go?!? The holiday break went way too fast. We headed into Anchorage Friday, Dec 3oth. I was grousing because we didn’t get out of town until close to 10:00. Bill talked me into a quick stop at the post office for one last check for Katie’s Christmas present. We were [...]

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