Barb's Blog

Just another Bryson Family Sites Sites site

It's Official: 10 Feet Of Snow For January!

We heard on Thursday that Friday was going to be a real snow dump and that it would be followed by rain. (This was After, our official 10 feet recorded by the Valdez Weather service!) (Just a random shot of a neighbor’s car) Rain after having as much snow as we’ve had really gets people [...]

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More Snow: So What Else Is New?!?

Bill left for Hawaii yesterday. Luckily he plowed the drive way and shoveled the sidewalk before leaving. BUT, by the time I arrived we had already had another 2 inches and the roof had dumped on the driveway and back deck. Here’s a picture of Rudy on the front porch right before I came into [...]

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Bill 3 Leaves Today

Well, the guys are packing up to head to town. Wah!:( It’s been wonderful having Bill with us for the last 10 days. The guys have plugged away on the chair for the past few days. Here’s a few pics of the work in progress. The little birds are loving the new feeder and the [...]

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