Barb's Blog

Just another Bryson Family Sites Sites site

Into Summer Mode & Catching Up

It’s wonderful to have my trusty computer back again, thanks to Bill’s techy friend in Unalakleet. And now that summer is officially in full swing, I have time to catch up a little on my blog.

Two weeks ago we had a wonderful drive to Fairbanks to celebrate Catey Adams and Briennea Marok’s high school graduations. Our drive Friday evening was amazing. We saw over 15 moose, about the same amount of porcupines, 2 caribou, and 20-30 rabbits nibbling fresh grass along the sides of the road. We figured the double rainbow was a nice sign. And it was. We had a wonderful weekend seeing Northway friends from years past.


So here’s one of those porky’s. I just had to get out of the car for a close up shot. Those guys can move pretty fast when they set their mind to it! I never could get a “front end” shot.


On the way back to Valdez Sunday we stopped off and took a hike back to Mark Stanley’s little get away cabin. We munched on fresh sushi and tai spring rolls that we’d thrown into our day packs.


The school year wrapped up very quickly. We still are not sure if “The Bad Kim” will be my library para next fall. Thankfully, her job was approved by the school board. Now we’re in wait-and-see mode whether she and Jeff will make the move to Anchorage or not. BUT, because she is such a special part of our staff, I had Angie Floyd help create an “US” front cover headline. “Kim Spills It All: What Really Happens In Those Library Stacks?!? It’s difficult to see, but glued to the picturre frame are a couple sets of dice, some fanned out playing cards and a small bottle of Crown Royal.


One more story to share. Jane H. and I are into our summer walking routine. We typically get up and walk every morning around 8:00 for about an hour and end up getting a latte to polish off the walk before getting on with our day. The past three mornings we’ve seen bears grazing along the mud flats.


(I didn’t take this picture.) The first morning was the funniest. We were biking along the flats and spotted three bears in two different locations. As we were coming back into town we were quite alert about scanning the flats to make sure we spotted any bears. Well, as we were sipping our lattes a little bit later a guy comes in and says, “You should see the huge black bear that’s sitting across the road from Steadman’s.”. Turns out we had been so busy keeping watch of the mud flats, we totally missed the bear across the street from us . Hmmmm

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