Barb's Blog

Just another Bryson Family Sites Sites site

"Keep A Poem In Your Pocket"

Today HHES celebrated “Keep A Poem In Your Pocket Day”. We had been encouraging kids and staff for a couple of weeks to find a poem they liked and write it down. I’d been giving kids time during library classes to read poems and find one they liked. We had 3X5 cards for them to write the poems on and had markers, stickers and colored pencils ready to decorate them. The Valdez Literacy Council suggested we give tickets to kids with poems and do a drawing for prizes.

It was a big hit! The staff was great about asking kids to share their poems throughout the day. Our lunch lady let kids read their poems on the microphone. Several adults kept coming back for more tickets to give out. Some of the kids got as many as16 tickets through out the day from various staff. The 6th graders who came to library today got to sit on a stool on top of a table to recite their poem. They had to choose between wearing a crown or my spaghetti hat.

Noelle Sharai was the person who got the ball rolling with this poetry promo. Here’s Noelle listening to one of Sara B.’s poems. Sara had MANY pockets today, and a poem in each one.