Barb's Blog

Just another Bryson Family Sites Sites site

Round Robin Take 2

We have finished up our Round Robin Quilts! 6 of us began this quilt project back in the fall. The center scrappy wreath is what I made. I said I liked scrappy quilts and supplied as much Christmas fabric as I had tucked away. None of us have seen our original block quilts since the first month. Each person in the group had a month to add a border to each quilt. We had our unveiling this past Thursday at the Mai Tai. Check them out! This first one is the one I will end up with because I created the center block.


This next one is Cindy’s. She supplied all the batik fabrics and wanted a rainbow effect.

.Round Robin Quilt 2

This next one is Danae’s. She used reds and wanted to “step out of her confort zone”.

Round Robin Quilt 4 is Jody’s. Jody has a wonderful eye for fabric choices. She supplied all the fabric for us and said, “I love scrappy quilts. Suprise me!”. I think this is one of my favorites!

Jody's Round Robin Quilt

Chanin’s is truly art in my mind. She began the quilt with a beautiful paper-pieced center. I set it on point and added four more small paper-pieced flowers. Flying geese designs followed and it began taking on a Japanese flavor. Beautiful!

Chanin's Round Robin Quilt

Janai also wanted a Christmas quilt. But she specified no larger than wall hanging size.

Janai's Christmas Wall Hanging

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