The last couple days have been amazing all around the Seward Peninsula. As you could see from yesterdays post the sun was shining up in Shishmaref. Well this morning when I woke up in White Mountain the temps were around -30 and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky. I decided to walk through town and shoot some video and then make my way up to the top of White Mountain to get some video of the sun rise. As I walked through town it was fun to see the smoke rising out of each house. It really looked cool on the cold morning.

I finally made it to the top of the mountain and as rewarded with a very beautiful sunrise. Looking down over the river valley and the snow covered trees it really made for quite a picturesque scene.

As you know I like to take self portraits, it can be quite difficult when the temperatures are as low as they were. You can see the bottom of my ruff building up with frost from my breath, and the sun trying to poke through the top edge.

Andy came and picked me up with the snowmachine and we stopped by one of the teachers houses to film what housing looks like in White Mountain. As soon as we stepped in the door however the camera fogged right up. They do fine out in the cold, and they do fine inside when they are warm, but when you take a cold camera inside you’ll need to wait about 10 – 15 minutes to let them warm up and defog. So we left the camera inside and went to try out White Mountains new panorama kit. When the school burned down last year their old panorama kit burned up in the fire. So when Andy was making the order for the new one last spring I told him about the cool OneShot pano kit he could get from Kidan. Its a half dome of optical mirroring glass that mounts directly onto the lens of the camera. You take one photo and an entire 360 degree picture is taken. You then take the photo into some software on your computer and it unwraps it and turns it into a normal pano picture or interactive Quicktime file. Here is what the unit looks like.

We didn’t read the instructions before we went out, so we didn’t have any really successful results, but I can tell you this. The very little time that we did take our gloves off to assemble the pieces to the camera and take the photo our hands went completely numb. Man it was cold. As soon as I could I put my gloves back on and jammed my hands into the little pockets on the chest of my parka. It usually warms them up pretty well in there, but they were so cold it took us going back to the teachers house to warm them back up.
Here is a shot of the village of White Mountain from the top of White Mountain. 🙂

While I was shooting the sunrise on top of the mountain I looked over and saw a moose across the river munching on some willows. I was able to get some pretty good video of him for quite a while. Not super super close, but sill good video. Then when we went to pick up the pano kit I looked across the river and saw another moose in a different area.

Sorry my little camera doesn’t have a better zoom, but if it did I probably wouldn’t have had it with me because those cameras are too big to take with you all the time. But you get the idea from this picture.
Hageland picked me up from White Mountain and flew me to Nome. We flew really low to the ground and saw two herds of muskox, and a herd of reindeer. It was pretty cool. I tried to shoot some video of it with my little camera. It came out alright, but we were going so fast, you only get a glimps of them.
Hageland then flew me from Nome to Stebbins, putting my flight total for this trip so far at 23. I came back to Stebbins because when I stopped there at the beginning of my trip it was very blizzardy out, and I didn’t get very good video. Today was a different story. The sun was shining and the snow was glistening. Stebbins has some land features in the area that are very noteworthy. On one side of the village is a very large cliff.

On the other side is a hill that drops down into the ocean. Very pretty. So just like the sunrise in White Mountain I was able to catch the sunset in Stebbins. Here it is about to drop down behind the frozen ocean on the horizon.

I’ll shoot a little more here tomorrow and then head to Unalakleet in the afternoon. I’ll do some shooting there, stay the night, and then head down to Talkeetna to see the Holts.
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