Our feeble attempt at camping this weekend began Thursday night after work. We pulled together most of the gear we would need for a BWCA camping trip in the fall. We were pretty tired, so we didn’t get finished with the packing, just got a decent start to the venture. Friday morning I helped Erin get the canoe on her car and threw what we had ready into her car as she left for work. I still had to pull together the rest of the gear hoping against hope that I wouldn’t forget anything. I finally got on the road about a half an hour later than usual, but I made it to school with a few minutes to spare. So to follow the hokey pokey theme Thursday night we put our right foot in and took our right foot out. Friday morning we put our right foot in and shook it all about.
After work that day Erin and I met up at the Y-store and drove to Soudan where we dropped my car off at Erin’s grandparents house. We transferred the rest of the gear from my car to hers and headed to Ely. Mind you at this time of the year dusk is showing up earlier and earlier each day. We pulled into Ely and had to pick up some last minute things that we had forgot to pack for the trip and grab something for dinner. At this time we assessed how much time it’d take us to actually get to the Moose Lake entry point and decided we would be just putting into the water when the darkness would be settling in over the lake. We made the decision to hold off actually starting the trip till the next morning. We ended up staying the night in Ely where we watched the twins throw their game two against the Yankees away in the bottom of the 9th inning. The next morning we awoke to a blanket of snow on the ground and a pretty brisk wind whipping across the tree tops. We decided to push on and headed down the Fernberg Road to the Moose Lake entry point. As we approached the lake I was beginning to second guess our trip. There were some fairly decent waves rolling across the lake. Now if this had been a summer day it wouldn’t have been as big a deal, but since the temps were below freezing it added a whole new level of concern.
We pushed on and loaded up our canoe and headed out in the waves. The wind was blowing in the same direction we were paddling, so we were making some pretty good time without much effort. Our concern was that if we had to paddle back against this same wind the next day it would make the 8 or so miles pretty tough. We paddled about a mile and decided it be smarter and safer to call the trip off. There’s no reason to force on when things could turn quickly for the worse. Truly we probably would have been fine, but it would have been a chilly wet trip. So back to the hokey theme, we started our trip Friday night, then stopped it not too much longer, only to start it the next morning and stop it again an hour or so after beginning. Lots of back and forth.
Instead of camping we went to a tea shop in Ely, and then to a movie in Virginia.

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