“Freezing Rain”

I’m stuck in Elim right now. I was originally scheduled to fly out with Hageland, but they called and told me they were overbooked and wouldn’t be able to pick me up. So Teresa set me up on a Bering Air flight out at 5:15 P.M. Well as the time drew near we got a call and were told that they had canceled the flight. Another BSSD employee was scheduled to take the same flight from Unalakleet to Elim to work on the phone system. They told him in Unalakleet that the reason the flight was canceled was freezing rain. Well, I’ve been out side all day and we had very nice dry snow falling. Nothing close to freezing rain. Even walking home from the school 10 minutes after the flight was canceled there wasn’t any freezing rain to be found. I believe I was struck yet again by Bering Air’s continual canceling of flights with the old “the weather is bad over there” excuse, when they basically just don’t feel like flying. I’m guessing they didn’t have enough freight or passengers to make the flight “worth while”

(Photo from www.beringair.com)


Erin  on January 29th, 2008

I don’t miss Bering’s cancellations! Sorry you’ve had rotten luck with them this trip. Hopefully you’re able to stay on schedule for the rest of your time out there.

I miss you! Love you tons.

Amanda  on January 29th, 2008

Sorry this trip isn’t going so well. Your godson misses you, and we do too!!

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