Up in the air

Well…  I spent the morning up a ladder.  Kerry Bidle is our schools athletic director and really is working hard to increase student involvement in extra curricular activities.  One of the ways he’s working at this is by keeping all students, staff, and visitors informed of whats going on in our school.  To do this he’s worked with local businesses to fund an electronic information system.  We’ve installed three tv’s as of last year, and have been working on adding a couple more that will allow us to push content into the Roosevelt school as well.  The system pushes powerpoint slides and video over ethernet to the tv’s.  So Kerry spent about 7 hours yesterday getting all the wires pulled through the ceiling.   Today I helped him finish up putting the ends on and getting everything hooked up correctly.  Unfortunatly it didn’t work right off the bat.  I’ve got to do some more testing tomorrow to see what the issue is.  I really hope I can figure this out.  Its pretty frustrating to work on something for so long and to spend most of the time up a ladder to have it not work out.

Well I’ve got to get on the treadmill.  Its already almost a quarter to 8.